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GSO Test


Teacher-in-charge of Art
Mr M Jones

Teacher of Art
Mrs B Yates

Brief introduction to subject
The GCSE syllabus taught is intended to be flexible to allow students to express their individuality and creativity. Art and Design encompasses a wide range of areas of study including Graphic design, Advertising and Packaging, Fine Art, Painting and Sculpture, 3D design, Illustration, Printmaking and Textiles. The Examination Board and Syllabus is WJEC unendorsed GCSE Art and Design.

Each student develops their own individual coursework projects from a common starting point, developing the areas of study they wish to follow. Students are encouraged to use and experiment with a wide variety of media, techniques and approaches.

The GCSE course covers five terms and work produced during this time will form a portfolio which counts towards the final grade awarded at the end of year 11. It is worth 60% of the final result.

You will be able to develop a higher level of skills and expertise in a wider range of Art and Design techniques than at KS3. You will also gain a greater awareness of the visual world and certain aspects of the History of Art.

Art and Design is a practical subject and lesson time will be almost exclusively spent in the creation of original art and design work. This will involve a lot of independent research (homework) and investigation, including some written analysis and evaluation of your own and others’ work.

A fair level of skill and ability is called for if you are considering joining the course but the most important thing is to want to work and to be able to listen to advice.
A successful GCSE student must exhibit enthusiasm and commitment and be willing to work hard on developing his/her creative potential.

The work produced consists of a series of Art projects set by the Art and Design staff. The Artwork will be both two and three‐dimensional. You will use a range of materials throughout the course.

The other 40% of the GCSE is an examination or controlled test that requires you to prepare work before the examination begins and complete an unaided 10 hour practical exam.

At the end of the course all candidates’ work is marked by the Art department to receive a final grade which is checked for fairness and accuracy by a moderator from the examining board.

For those students who are interested in taking their studies further, there are a number of post-16 Art and Design courses available at various colleges for A-Level and BTEC Level 3. This can lead on to a University degree and a career in the Arts, Fashion, Photography, Advertising/Marketing, Web and Design, Animation, Games Design, Illustration and many more creative areas.

Qualifications offered
WJEC GCSE Art & Design