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GSO Test


Teacher-in-charge of Music
Mr A T Coombes

Music plays a vital role in the life of the school. The department encourages all our musicians to develop their talents by giving them many opportunities to showcase and celebrate their successes. We make a substantial contribution to the life of the school as well as our local community.

All pupils study Music in KS3 and follow a course which is based on National Curriculum requirements which ensures progression. Classroom activities develop pupils’ skills in performing, composing, listening and appraising. Schemes of work are broad and varied, combining traditional and modern approaches to music making. Classical music is studied alongside Jazz, Rock and a wide variety of World Music and Welsh music. Throughout Key Stage 3 all pupils’ assessment results / progress / skills are recorded in pupils’ individual files which are kept in the classroom. Pupils in Year 10 may opt for GCSE Music.

The Music resources are modern and up to date. Our Music Department provides a great learning environment, with a classroom set up with keyboards for performance tasks and a practice room equipped with 5 iMacs and Recording Studio Facility.


Qualifications offered:

Unit 1: Performing Music [35%] Controlled Assessment
Performing Programme including solos and the compulsory ensemble. This also includes a programme note.

Unit 2: Composing Music [35%] Controlled Assessment
Two contrasting compositions based on Areas of Study.

Unit 3: Appraising Music [30%] External Assessment
Written Examination 1½ hour listening / written examination based on unprepared musical extracts under each of the areas of study.


Music is a thriving and important part of school life and we aspire for high standards of music making. The department runs a Choir and various ensembles. All these ensembles, as well as rock groups and soloists, have the opportunity to perform in concerts, presentation evenings, carol services as well as other internal and external events.


Merthyr Tydfil Music Service

The Department also has six peripatetic tutors who visit the school each week to provide tuition for instrumentalists and singers. These lessons take place either during lesson time on a rotational basis, or at lunch times. Instrumental tuition is offered in Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Singing.