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GSO Test

Health & Social Care

Teacher of Health & Social Care
Mrs C Cushion

BTEC level 1 / 2 award Health and Social Care

The BTEC first award is a course which provides the opportunity for students to develop vocational skills. This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE grade A*- D.
This subject gives learners the opportunity to gain a broad understanding and knowledge of the health and social care sector. All learners will have the opportunity to experience the vocational elements of the programme, and develop practical skills, such as demonstrating health and social care values that will help prepare learners for the world of work. This qualification also provides opportunities for learners to develop their communication skills as they progress through the course. This can be achieved through presentations and in discussions where they have the opportunity to express their opinions.


The course consists of four units of work, three of which are assessed via portfolio and one that has a written examination.

Unit 1: Human lifespan development (external examination)

In this unit, candidates will learn about how we grow and develop throughout our lives and how different factors can affect this development.

Unit 2: Health and social care values (controlled assessment)

This controlled assessment consists of a portfolio of work. During this unit candidates will learn how care values are applied in health and social care settings in order to safeguard the well-being of individuals who use health and social care services.

Unit 5: Promoting Health and Well-being (controlled assessment)

This controlled assessment provides candidates with the opportunity to explore and research an area of health risk, which will allow them to create a health- promotion campaign for a specified target group.

Unit 6: Impact of nutrition on health and well-being (controlled assessment)

This controlled assessment gives candidates the opportunity to explore what is meant by an unbalanced diet and how this may lead to various types of ill health.