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GSO Test

Hospitality & Catering

Teacher of Hospitality and Catering
Mrs C Cushion

WJEC Level 1 / 2 Award

Hospitality and Catering level 1 /2 award provides students with the opportunity to learn about the hospitality industry.  The course will develop specialist skills allowing them to establish a career working in hospitality and catering.  The opportunities in this industry can range from waiting staff, catering assistants, chefs, reception staff, hotel and bar managers to food technologists working for supermarket chains, to name but a few.
It encourages learners to cook and enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.

This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE grade A*- D.

The course consists of 2 units:

Unit 1: The hospitality and catering industry (external examination)

In this unit, candidates will learn about the different types of providers within the hospitality and catering industry; the legislation's that need to be adhered to and the personal safety of all of those involved in the business, whether staff or customers.


Unit 2:  Hospitality and catering in action (controlled assessment)

This controlled assessment consists of a portfolio of work.  During this unit candidates will learn and develop safe and hygienic food preparation, cooking and finishing skills required to produce nutritional dishes.