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GSO Test

Physical Education


Head of Performance Faculty and Teacher-in-charge of Physical Education
Mr J Soanes

Teacher of Physical Education
Miss J Howells
Mr N C Jones

WRU Hub Officer
Mr J Smyth

The Physical Education Department fully embraces the aims of the school.
In particular, members of the department identify with the desire of the school to value all members of the school community equally and aims to encourage every pupil to ‘Maximize Potential’

The aims of the department are to:

  • nurture all pupils in appreciating the significance of participation in physical education and sport, and its relevance for a healthy lifestyle;
  • encourage all pupils to give of their best whatever their abilities;
  • show all pupils that they are valued as unique human beings and have positive contributions to offer in many different roles;
  • WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Sport and Coaching Principles.

The department offers a variety of extra-curricular activities offered throughout the year. Activities are offered to any ability during lunchtimes and outside of timetabled lessons.

Qualifications offered
WJEC GCSE Physical Education
Pearson Edexcel BTEC Sport

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