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GSO Test

Eisteddfod 2024


Our annual school Eisteddfod took place on Friday 1 March 2024. The cultural festival is held through the medium of Welsh, which provides our youngsters in Years 7, 8, and 9 with an opportunity to take to the stage and perform music, song, dance, and recitations in the presence of peers and mentoring staff in a welcoming, fun, and unique environment. It's one of the most popular dates in our school calendar.
It was lovely to see two ex-colleagues, Mrs Jill Greenway, and Madame Jenkins join Mrs Jo Oates to form an impartial judging panel. Huge thanks to Miss Rachel Harries and Miss Ffion Williams for coordinating and organising the event and to all staff and pupils who helped make the morning session a success. Well done to all of you who took part. Without you it wouldn’t have happened.  Oh, and congratulations to Brychan House…again!