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Top of the Pops 2024

Our 'Top of the Pops' Christmas Concert was introduced into Afon Tâf by Mrs Janice Jones, Head of Sixth Form, and her husband Wynford (Wimpy) in the early 1990s. The show, originally intended as an end of term ‘filler’ is alive as ever, over thirty years later. This Christmas extravaganza continues to be an extremely popular 'end-of-term' treat for all pupils. Toward the late 1990s, the concert was co-hosted by a young, enthusiastic Sixth-Former called Stephen Baber.  I wonder what became of him?  Over two decades later, the annual TotP is in fine fettle, overseen and hosted by our Deputy Headteacher, Mr Stephen Baber! The running order includes musical performances from senior Year 11 pupils and a selection of staff. Both need very little encouragement to get up on stage!

We’re extremely grateful to all those pupils and staff who worked so hard to keep this tradition alive, providing the Christmas entertainment enjoyed by so many.

Da iawn, diolch yn fawr. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd


Here's the link to the Christmas 'Top of the Pops' Photo Gallery...